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  • T. Ikehara, "Interpenetrated Spherulites-Spherulitic Morphology in Crystalline/Crystalline Polymer Blends" (Keynote lecture), 1st Japan-Taiwan Joint Seminar on Soft Materials, September, Chi-nan University, Puli, Taiwan (2004).
  • Hiroshi Morita, Takayuki Ikehara, Toshio Nishi, Masao Doi, "Molecular dynamics simulation study of the polymer chain attached with a tip of atomic force microscopy", XIVth International Congress on Rheology, Seoul, Korea, August (2004).
  • T. Morisaku, T. Ikehara, J. Watanabe, M. Takai, K. Ishihara, "Molecular design of biocompatible hydrogel based on molecular mobility of waters and polymer chains" 228th ACS National Meeting, Philadelphia, USA, August (2004).
  • H. Morita, K. Nakajima, T. Ikehara, T. Nishi, M. Doi, "Coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulation study of nanorheology and nanotribology", 40th IUPAC World Polymer Congress MACRO 2004, Paris, France, July (2004).
  • 池原 飛之, 「高分子の単一分子鎖のレオロジー計測」, 第2回高分子ナノテクノロジー研究会講座, 2003年6月 (東京).
  • 池原 飛之, 「高分子ナノテクノロジー ~単一高分子鎖のナノレオロジーを中心として~」, 高分子学会第58回武蔵野地区高分子懇話会, 2003年7月 (八王子).
  • T. Ikehara and T. Nishi, "Interpenetrated spherulites in poly(butylene succinate)/poly(vinylidene chloride-co-vinyl chloride) and poly(butylene succinate-co-carbonate)/ poly(L-lactic acid) blends", IUPAC Polymer Conference (IUPAC-PC2002), p366, December, 2003 (Kyoto).
  • Z. Qiu, T. Ikehara, T. Nishi, "Formation of interpenetrated spherulites in poly(ethylene succinate)/poly(ethylene oxide) blends observed by optical microsropy", IUPAC Polymer Conference (IUPAC-PC2002), p367, December, 2003 (Kyoto).


  • Z. Qiu, T. Ikehara and T. Nishi, "Miscibility, Morphology and Crystallization Behaviour of Rubber Based Polymer Blends", Thermal Analysis of Rubbers and Rubbery Materials, (Smithers Rapra) 253-275 (2010).
  • 池原飛之, 「相互侵入球晶の形成と特徴」 高分子 54号, 691 (2005).
  • 池原飛之, 邱兆斌, 西敏夫, 「生分解性高分子をベースにした高分子ブレンド系の構造と物性」, 機能材料, 24巻, 5月号, シーエムシー出版, 48-52 (2004).
  • 池原飛之, 「パルス法NMRの高分子物性への適用」, 神奈川大学工学研究所所報, 26号, 22-28, (2004).


  • 池原飛之, 西敏夫,「共焦点レーザースキャン顕微鏡の活用」,中濱精一監修,「精密高分子技術」,23-30, シーエムシー出版 (2004).


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