

  • Expression and function of an S1-type nuclease in the digestive fluid of a sundew Drosera adelae. Yu, M., Arai, N., Ochiai, T., Ohyama, T. Ann. Bot. (2023) 131:335-346. Equal contribution.


  • 遺伝子組換えを利用したシーベリー雌雄識別マーカーの開発 朝倉史明、中川理絵、河合義隆、森直樹 神奈川大学工学研究 (2021) 4:84-87.
  • Organ-specific expression and epigenetic traits of genes encoding digestive enzymes in the lance-leaf sundew (Drosera adelae). Arai, N., Ohno, Y., Jumyo, S., Hamaji, Y., Ohyama, T. J. Exp. Bot. (2021) 72:1946–1961.


  • Kitchen PCR: An Experimental Programme to Experience Plant Genetic Diversity at the DNA Level. Asakura, N., Kikuchi, R. Biology Education and Research in a Changing Planet. (Springer, Singapore) (2015) 11-20.
  • Functional analyses of carnivorous plant-specific amino acid residues in S-like ribonucleases. Arai, N., Nishimura, E., Kikuchi, Y., Ohyama, T. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. (2015) 465:108–112.
  • Structural and functional characteristics of S-like ribonucleases from carnivorous plants. Nishimura, E., Jumyo, S., Arai, N., Kanna, K., Kume, M., Nishikawa, J., Tanase, J., Ohyama, T. Planta (2014) 240:147–159.
  • S-like ribonuclease gene expression in carnivorous plants. Nishimura, E., Kawahara, M., Kodaira, R., Kume, M., Arai, N., Nishikawa, J., Ohyama, T. Planta (2013) 238:955–967.
  • Comparative nucleotide sequence analysis of the D genome-specific sequence-tagged-site locus A1 in Triticum aestivum and its implication for the origin of subspecies sphaerococcum. Asakura, N., Mori, N., Nakamura, C., Ohtsuka, I. Breed. Sci. (2011) 61:212-216.
  • Genotyping of the Q locus in wheat by a simple PCR-RFLP method. Asakura, N., Mori, N., Nakamura, C., Ohtsuka, I. Gene, Genet. Syst. (2009) 84:233-237.
  • Sequence diversity and copy number variation of Mutator-like transposases in wheat. Asakura, N., Yoshida, S., Mori, N., Ohtsuka, I., Nakamura, C. Genet. Mol. Biol. (2008) 31:539-546.
  • Possible horizontal transfer of two subclasses of Mutator-like elements within Poaceae. Asakura, N., Mori, N., Yoshida, S., Ohtsuka, I., Nakamura, C. (2008) Proc. 11th Int. Wheat Genet. Symp.
  • Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) 法によるシロイヌナズナの花粉母細胞での減数第一分裂期染色体の動態解析 安積良隆、外山俊士、中村美奈子、豊泉龍児、風間真、朝倉史明、日野晶也、鈴木秀穂 (2005) Science Journal of Kanagawa University 16:25-33.
  • Two classes of Mutator transposable element-like sequences in the wild einkorn wheat. Asakura, N., Yoshida, S., Mori, N., Ohtsuka, I., Nakamura, C. (2003) Proc.10th Int. Wheat Genet. Symp. 2:469-471.
  • The presence of D plasmon-identical and novel mtDNA sequences in hexaploid wheat species of a series of synthetic lines. Kishida, M., Takumi, S., Asakura, N., Kawahara, T., Nakamura, C. (2003) Proc.10th Int. Wheat Genet. Symp. 1:21-24.
  • A maize MuDR-like transposable element transcribed in the rice genome. Yoshida, S., Asakura, N., Ootani, R., Nakamura, C. (2003) Advances in Rice Genetics 397-399.
  • A transcriptionally active maize MuDR-like transposable element in rice and its relatives. Asakura, N.,Nakamura, C.,Ishii, T.,Kasai, Y. Yoshida, S. (2002) Mol. Genet. Genomics 268:321-330.
  • Single nucleotide polymorphisms in an STS region linked to the Ncc-tmplA locus are informative to identify the differentiation of chromosome lA in wheat. Asakura, N., Mori, N., Ishido, T., Ohtsuka, I., Nakamura, C. (2001) 76:295-304.
  • Ncc-tmp, homoeoalleles of Triticum timopheevi, conferring compatibility with the cytoplasm of Aegilops squarrosa and their origin. Asakura,N., Ohtsuka, I., Nakamura, C. Proc. Int. Conf. (2001) Genetic collections, Isogenic and Alloplasmic Lines. 67-69.
  • Identification of paternal mitochondrial DNA sequences in the nucleus-cytoplasm hybrids of tetraploid and hexaploid wheat with D and D2 plasmons from Aegilops species. Tsukamoto, N., Asakura, N., Hattori, N., Takumi, S., Mori, N. Nakamura, C. (2000) Cur. Genet. 38:208-217.
  • Homoeoallelic gene Ncc-tmp of Triticum timopheevi conferring compatibility with the cytoplasm of Aegilops squarrosa in the tetraploid wheat nuclear background. Asakura, N., Nakamura, C., Ohtsuka, I. (2000) Genome 43:503-511.
  • Detection of plasmon-specific of RAPD markers using the alloplasmic hybrids of common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cv. Chinese Spring. Nakamura, C., Katsuta, M., Takeshita, T., Asakura, N., Takumi, S., Mori, N. (2000) Wheat Inf. Serv. 90:31-36.
  • タルホコムギ細胞質を持つ4倍性コムギ核細胞質雑種のミトコンドリアDNA多型 塚本尚子、朝倉史明、宅見薫雄、森直樹、大塚一郎、中村千春 (1999) 近畿作育研究 44:59-60.
  • Variations in the gliadin composition in immature embryo culture derived somaclonal lines of durum wheat. Yokouchi, N., Asakura, N., Tsvetsnov, S., Mori, N., Atanassov, A., Nakamura, C. (1999) Plant Biotech. 16:167-170.
  • The presence of maternal, paternal and novel paternal-like copies of the mitochondrial nad3-orf156 region in the nucleus-cytoplasm hybrids of tetraploid wheat with Ae. squarrosa cytoplasm. Tsukamoto, N., Asakura, N., Igarashi, Y., Takumi, N., Mori, N., Ohtsuka, I., Nakamura, C. (1998) Proc. 9th Int. Wheat Genet Symp. 2:115-117.
  • Mapping of Ncc-tmp1A controlling nuclear compatibility of tetraploid wheat with the cytoplasm of Aegilops squarrosa and its origin. Asakura, N., Nakamura, C., Ohtsuka, I. (1998) Proc. 9th Int. Wheat Genet Symp. 2:4-6.
  • Cytoplasmic diversity in Triticum and Aegilops evaluated by the respiratory electron flows in seedlings of alloplasmic hybrids of common wheat. Kasai, K., Solis, R., Asakura, N. Mori, N. Nakamura, C. (1998) Wheat Inf. Serv. 86:31-38.
  • RAPD markers linked to the nuclear gene from Triticum timopheevi that confers compatibility with Aegilops squarrosa cytoplasm on alloplasmic durum wheat. Asakura, N., Nakamura, C., Ohtsuka I. Genome(1997)40:201-210
  • Callus induction, regeneration of haploid plants and chromosome doubling in ovule cultures of pot gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii). Miyoshi,K., Asakura, N. Plant Cell Rep. (1997) 16:1-5.
  • A nuclear compatibility gene of Triticum timopheevi for Aegilops squarrosa cytoplasm locates on chromosome 1A. Asakura, N., Nakamura, C. Ohtsuka, I. Genes Genet. Syst. (1997) 72:71-78.
  • High frequency regeneration of diploids from apical end of cultured hypocotyl tissue in tomato. Asakura, N., Misoo, S., Kamijima, O., Sawano, M. Breed. Sci. (1995) 45:455-459.